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Tiempo a Moverse en mis Buenos Amigos December 16, 2007

Posted by Greg West in Uncategorized.
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After several years of blogging here at Google’s BLOGSPOT, I have decided to go to “brave new worlds” and join on with WordPress.

Google’s BLOGSPOT has served me well, and I have enjoyed the various changes made to this program over the past few years, however WordPress offers so much more in this type of growing medium.

Please come and join me at my new blogging home:


Thanks so much for being here with me, I have enjoyed the comments and emails…See you over at Rhetorical Soundoff – WordPress.


gone canoe tripping July 22, 2007

Posted by Greg West in Uncategorized.
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gone canoing

back in the fall for a full update and a possible photo/story book, historical log or whatever! haha

Bookmark your Google calendars to come back here for the full story of my summer adventures…

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All pics:

It’s That Time Again May 5, 2007

Posted by Greg West in Uncategorized.
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The sun is shining, the sky is blue, and the wilds of Algonquin are calling once again…

Yes, I cannot wait. Soon I set out for another wilderness canoe trip into the interior of Algonquin. This time we are headed for Cache Lake where we will put-in. After several portages and various lakes we will set up camp. From there we intend to venture out into many of the surrounding waterways and fish for lake trout.

A full write, with pics, will be the order of the day when we return.

For now, here is a link to a solo trip I did last September on the Saugeen River:

I uploaded photos to Facebook of the Saugeen River solo trip I did…Go here to view them all: http://www.facebook.com

This Cache Lake trip is the first of 9 canoe trips I have planned for this year and I am looking forward in logging all these trips into book form when the weather turns in late fall…But enough talk about that weather…Each of these canoe trips will be published first here at http://gregorywest.blogspot.com – “stay tuned” as they say…

Hitler Resurrected? March 25, 2007

Posted by Greg West in cia, fbi, freedom, government, hitler, iran, terrorism, UN, usa, war.
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at least for now.

Are we to believe that any Nation that defies the United Nations is against the rest of the world’s peace and harmony?

I think so.

Iranian Government defies the UN’s request for Iran to back-off on the arms race, or rather the gathering of uranium. Here is what Iran told the United Nations…And you can sort out your own thoughts:

“The world must know and it does that even the harshest political and economic sanctions or other threats are far too weak to coerce the Iranian nation to retreat from their legal and legitimate demands…Suspension is neither an option nor a solution.” (Globe and Mail 070325)

Hello world! March 18, 2007

Posted by Greg West in Uncategorized.
1 comment so far

Welcome to WordPress.com. This is your first post. Edit or delete it and start blogging!

Gas Shortage Easing??? March 7, 2007

Posted by Greg West in Uncategorized.
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Gas Companies = BS

says that the “GAS SHORTAGE” is coming to an end. That’s nice.

Why is it that these manipulators of our way-of-life can act similar to Highwaymen of days gone by?

Each long weekend in the summer one can count on the gas pricing to be hiked up, as during mother and father days, Christmas, Easter and whenever these thieves feel like adding to their profit coffers?

It is time the Government began to regulate these crooks, similar to the stock exchange, and the Canadian Wheat Board etc.

I say, “NO MORE RIPPING OFF THE PUBLIC” – Why do we NOT boycott ESSO?

Do we have such short memories as to what they did to their employees several years back? Hint: They escorted them off the property, without notice, by outside security forces, and told them they no longer had a job and that ESSO was keeping their pensions.

Imagine that. I for one will NEVER buy ESSO gas for that sole reason, but what about a boycott against Prime Minister Harper for not stepping in and correcting this very wrong by these conglomerated manipulators?

PRETTY MUCH: "Absolutely" January 12, 2007

Posted by Greg West in Uncategorized.
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  • folks
  • at the end of the day
  • pretty much
  • fabulous
  • whatever
  • cool (died in the 60’s)
  • ums and aahs (CBC Radio Hosts are getting worse)

Today, keep your ears open and simply listen to how many times those around you use the word: “absolutely”. Even on CBC Radio? Pitty!

After a while it will drive you crazy. Expecially when you know that “pretty much” of the time it is used in the wrong context and utilized by mere habit of trying to fit in and be cool.

Do you know who makes them keep on saying to jargon words and terms? Advertisers. Yes, those business people whose job it is to make sure you pay attention to their ads on TV and radio…How is the best way, by making funny ads and using popular “junk” words and phrases that are ever-so-popular.

Am a right?

“Pretty much” or “Absolutely” you dare say? (do not forget to count em today)

It was not that long ago that the masses were using the jargon phrase for almost everything: pretty much. But after a while that began to sound somewhat whimpish and now the worn-out trend is to use the term “absolutely” for everything under the sun, moon, and stars.

Oh yes, “folks” (another one I can do without), do not forget that one that us used by ALL EXPERTS ALIVE: “…at the end of the day…”. Give us a break PLEASE!!!!!!!!!!! We believe you are intelligent; so, please stop advertising the fact by trying to sound “pretty much” or “absolutely” like the last expert before you.

“The firm, a branch of staffing agency Robert Half International Inc., recently polled 250 advertising and marketing executives about phrases that might have seemed clever back in the day, but are stale and annoying now.” Globe and Mail

Here are some of the things “they” say to avoid:
“Paradigm shift,” grates on the executives’ nerves, as does “critical mass.”

When words and phrases become overused, “they can lose their impact and appear clichéd,” said Dave Willmer, executive director of The Creative Group.

“Direct, concrete statements typically are the most powerful and persuasive. When professionals find their communications laden with buzzwords, they should consider how they might convey their thoughts more clearly,”

So, please, do us all a favour and LOSE THE JARGON and don’t be cool LOL…Oh, and yes, I almost forgot one: FABULOUS. Please, please, please, lose that one. It sounds “like“, well know you, pretty much absolutely horrible. [cartoon credit]

Rhetorical War With a Trucker January 10, 2007

Posted by Greg West in Uncategorized.
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Here is another “LETTER TO THE EDITOR” in the Sarnia Observer newspaper. I had to follow-up on the comments made and comments omitted by the Trucker:

Take our highways back from truckers

Editorial – Tuesday, January 09, 2007 Updated @ 4:12:47 PM

Sir: Re: Letter to the editor from Inwood trucker Roger Bahro (“Report bad drivers when you see them,” The Observer, Dec. 23, 2006), replying to my letter of Dec. 15, 2006 (“Regulate the speed of transport trucks”)

As Roger points out, “The State of Michigan has changed their speed limit for trucks from 55 mph to 60 mph.” Roger failed to mention that speed is 10 miles-per-hour less than auto traffic who can legally travel at 70 mph.

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This keeps the truckers well below the speed of other vehicles and in the righthand lane. This is a much safer method of moving traffic on heavily travelled highways. It also keeps the truckers from cutting out and cutting off other vehicles and blocking the passing lanes, especially on hills.

Sarnia-Lambton MPP Caroline Di Cocco responded to my initial letter of complaint concerning speeding truckers:

“Dear Gregory West:

Thank you for taking time to provide your perspective on the issue of transport truck speeds. Yes, I travel regularly on the 401 and 402. And, yes, I too note the speed of trucks. The advice you provide is valuable and I will take the liberty to speak to the Minster of Transportation regarding your e-mail.

Your views and comments are appreciated.



Maybe, someday, we will get back our highways from the truckers and have an enjoyable ride from Sarnia to Toronto and not have to endure the nightmarish journey facing one today.

Gregory West

RE: "Regulate Truck Speed on Ontario Highways" January 6, 2007

Posted by Greg West in Uncategorized.
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Editor’s Note: TOPIC: Trucks drive too fast and hog the passing lanes!

This is an ongoing issue/blog and a “Letter-to-the-Editor” in the Sarnia, Observer newspaper. Just in, an email from our Provincial MP who says she will personally speak with the Minister of Transport.

Caroline Di Cocco

Dear Gregory West,

Thank you for taking time to provide your perspective on the issue of
transport truck speeds. Yes I travel regularly on the 401 and 402. And
yes I too note the speed of trucks. The advice you provide is valuable
and I will take the liberty to speak to the Minster of Transportation
regarding your email.

Your views and comments are appreciated.



Truckers too fast and dangerous.

Legislate truckers is the only way for safe highways.


Sarnia Observer

So, sit back and watch the show. Does the “little guy” win for safer highways, or do the “big boys” dominate our elected officials? Safety first, I hope.

BEWARE of Christmas PowerPoint December 30, 2006

Posted by Greg West in Uncategorized.
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Christmas computers may never be the same. This warning is a must-take-heed one.

E-mails may bring Christmas PowerPoint
with a surprise for the New Year

A PowerPoint file is circulating this season that drops and executes two malicious programs embedded in it. The innocent Christmas-themed PPT slideshow named Christmas+Blessing-4.ppt may be familiar to many of you. It has previously made the rounds and is just a decoy for the embedded malware.

This exploit was patched as early as March 14, 2006 (see Microsoft Security Bulletin MS06-012 at http://www.microsoft.com/technet/security/Bulletin/MS06-012.mspx). But how many of you have installed that patch?

It’s a shame and sad truth that we need to guard ourselves against PowerPoint data files, which should be totally safe. But if your systems aren’t fully patched and you don’t have the most up-to-date virus definitions, this Christmas blessing can infect you for the New Year.

Other seasonal virus exploits are hiding in attachments called:

# Christmas.exe
# Christmas_Puzzle.exe

These exploits may be found at: http://www.f-secure.com/weblog/archives/archive-122006.html#00001058

I hope your computer is protected against these bad things and that your New Year starts out as a happy one!

NOTE: The above was made available by Orange County IBM PC Users’ Group